Crew Resourching

Southeast Asia Aviation Staffing Experts

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Asean aviation staffing experts

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Opportunities for Examiners, Instructors, Captains, First Officers, and more.

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We offer a wide range of jobs on Boeing, Airbus, Embraer, Bombardier, ATR, and more

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Asean opportunities available with in-market, personalized support available

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We have longstanding relationships and ongoing job opportunities available with airlines in Asean

Staffing Services

Aviation Recruitment

Peta Aero has developed proven aviation recruitment systems, expertise, and resources that consistently deliver the right people to our clients. We offer end-to-end recruitment services at all levels of the organization.

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Staff Leasing Services

Leasing is a proven, highly effective model used by the aviation industry to engage personnel & crew. Providing value for both short term projects or long term staffing solutions.

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Pilot Training Services

Personalised crew training programs can be designed and tailored to suit the exact requirements of your aviation jobs. Peta Aero understands the importance of ensuring first-class innovative training solutions, so talk to us about our capabilities.

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